Why stylelint?
✅ 협업을 하다보면 팀원 각자만의 퍼블리싱 스타일, 즉 css 속성을 작성하는 규칙이 매우 다릅니다. 따라서, css 코드에 일관성을 주고 가독성을 높여주기 위함입니다.
✅ 디자인 변경이나 개선을 할 때, 시간을 줄여줄 수 있습니다.
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우선, 각자 환경(npm/yarn)에서 필요한 라이브러리를 설치해주세요.
저는 아래 4가지만 devDependencies에 설치했습니다.
stylelint <- stylint 사용을 위해 설치해야할 기본 패키지이다.
stylelint-order <- css 속성 정렬을 위한 패키지이다.
stylelint-config-standard <- 기본 추천되는 CSS 사양에 있는 최신 규칙을 적용하기 위한 패키지이다.
postcss-styled-syntax <- 템플릿 리터럴 CSS-in-JS(ex. styled-component)인 styled로 작성된 CSS 속성들을 파싱해주는 패키지이다.
스크립트 작성
"scripts": {
"lint:css": "stylelint --ignore-path .gitignore './src/**/*.tsx' --fix",
package.json에 위의 script를 추가해줍니다.
--ignore-path .gitignore는 .gitignore 상에 해당되는 파일들은 검사를 하지 않겠다는 의미같습니다.
--fix 옵션을 주면 스크립트를 실행해줄 때마다, css 속성이 일관되게 수정됩니다.
그밖에 다른 옵션들도 많으니, 목적에 맞게 스크립트를 커스텀해두시는 것을 추천드려요.
A mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions.
Usage: stylelint [input] [options]
Input: Files(s), glob(s), or nothing to use stdin.
If an input argument is wrapped in quotation marks, it will be passed to
globby for cross-platform glob support. "node_modules" are always ignored.
You can also pass no input and use stdin, instead.
--config, -c <path_or_module>
A path to a specific configuration file (JSON, YAML, CommonJS, or ES module),
or a module name in "node_modules" that points to one. If no argument is
provided, Stylelint will search for configuration files in the following
places, in this order:
- a "stylelint" property in "package.json"
- a ".stylelintrc" file
- a ".stylelintrc.{cjs,mjs,js,json,yaml,yml}" file
- a "stylelint.config.{cjs,mjs,js}" file
The search will begin in the working directory and move up the directory
tree until a configuration file is found.
--config-basedir <path>
An absolute path to the directory that relative paths defining "extends",
"plugins", and "customSyntax" are *relative to*. Only necessary if these
values are relative paths.
Print the configuration for the given input file path. Globs are unsupported.
--ignore-path, -i <path>
A path to a file containing patterns that describe files to ignore. The
path can be absolute or relative to "process.cwd()". You can repeat the
option to provide multiple paths. By default, Stylelint looks for
".stylelintignore" in "process.cwd()". Multiple can be set.
--ignore-pattern, --ip <pattern>
A pattern of files to ignore (in addition to those in ".stylelintignore").
Multiple can be set.
Automatically fix problems of certain rules.
--custom-syntax <name_or_path>
A module name or path to a JS file exporting a PostCSS-compatible syntax.
Accept stdin input even if it is empty.
--stdin-filename <name>
A filename to assign stdin input.
--ignore-disables, --id
Ignore "stylelint-disable" comments.
--disable-default-ignores, --di
Allow linting of "node_modules".
Store the info about processed files in order to only operate on the
changed ones the next time you run Stylelint. By default, the cache is
stored in "./.stylelintcache". To adjust this, use "--cache-location".
Cache is disabled by default.
--cache-location <path>
A path to a file or directory to be used for the cache location. If a
directory is specified, a cache file will be created inside the specified
folder, with a name derived from a hash of the current working directory.
If the directory for the cache does not exist, make sure you add a trailing "/"
on *nix systems or "\" on Windows. Otherwise the path will be assumed to
be a file.
--cache-strategy <strategy>
A strategy for the cache to use for detecting changed files. Either one of:
metadata by metadata of a file (default)
content by content of a file
The "content" strategy can be useful in cases where the modification time
of your files changes even if their contents have not. For example, this can
happen during git operations like "git clone" because git does not track file
modification time.
--formatter, -f <formatter>
An output formatter. The variants are as follows:
string human-readable strings (default)
compact similar to ESLint's compact formatter
github workflow commands for GitHub Actions
json JSON format
tap TAP format
unix C compiler-like format
verbose extend "string" to include a file list and a tally
--custom-formatter <path_or_module>
A path to a JS file or module name exporting a custom formatting function.
--quiet, -q
Only register problems for rules with an "error"-level severity (ignore
Ignore deprecations warnings.
Force enabling/disabling of color.
--report-needless-disables, --rd
Also report errors for "stylelint-disable" comments that are not blocking
a lint warning. The process will exit with code 2 if needless disables are found.
--report-invalid-scope-disables, --risd
Report "stylelint-disable" comments that used for rules that don't exist
within the configuration object. The process will exit with code 2 if invalid
scope disables are found.
--report-descriptionless-disables, --rdd
Report "stylelint-disable" comments without a description. The process will
exit with code 2 if descriptionless disables are found.
--max-warnings, --mw <number>
The number of warnings above which the process will exit with code 2.
Useful when setting "defaultSeverity" to "warning" and expecting the process
to fail on warnings (e.g. CI build).
--output-file, -o <path>
A file path to write a report.
--allow-empty-input, --aei
When a glob pattern matches no files, the process will exit without throwing an error.
--globby-options, --go <json>
Options in JSON format passed to globby.
--version, -v
Show the version.
--help, -h
Show the help.
✨ Done in 0.78s.
제가 설정해준 규칙과 적용방법은 다음과 같습니다!
저는 애초에 stylelint를 해야겠다고 마음먹은 이유가 바로 '정렬' 때문이었습니다.
퍼블리싱을 하다보면 마구잡이로 속성들을 나열하게 되면서 중복 속성이 생긴다던지 순서가 뒤죽박죽 되서
추후에 리팩터링이나 중복된 디자인 코드 추출에도 어렵더라구요.
따라서 stylelint-order를 깔았고 -> ("plugins": ["stylelint-order"])
그룹에 맞게 정렬되게끔 -> ("order/properties-order")
emptyLineBefore: "always"를 해준 이유는, 그룹별로 개행을 하기 위해서 입니다.
"declaration-empty-line-before": null 로 stylelint-config-standard의 옵션을 disable 해주어야만 가능합니다. (stylelint-config-standard의 기본 옵션은 css에서 개행을 다 검열해서 삭제해버리기 때문.)
"extends": ["stylelint-config-standard"],
"plugins": ["stylelint-order"],
"rules": {
"declaration-empty-line-before": null,
"order/properties-order": [
"groupName": "layout",
"properties": [
"groupName": "flexible",
"emptyLineBefore": "always",
"properties": [
"groupName": "layout-style",
"emptyLineBefore": "always",
"properties": [
"groupName": "position",
"emptyLineBefore": "always",
"properties": ["position", "top", "right", "bottom", "left", "z-index"]
"groupName": "font",
"emptyLineBefore": "always",
"properties": ["color", "font-size", "font-weight"]
"groupName": "animation",
"emptyLineBefore": "always",
"properties": ["transition", "animation"]
"customSyntax": "postcss-styled-syntax"
Before & After
명령문 한 번이면,
// 이랬던 코드가
const StyledButton = styled.button`
height: 100px;
padding: 5%;
border-color: red;
top: 5;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
color: blue;
font-size: 15px;
display: flex;
// 이렇게
const StyledButton = styled.button`
display: flex;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
padding: 5%;
border-color: red;
top: 5;
color: blue;
font-size: 15px;